1926 BCRU Scoring Summary

Home ScoreVisitor Score Winning ScoreLosing ScoreCombined Score
Min 0 0 5 0 5
Avg. (Mean) 4.60 8.00 9.00 3.60 12.60
Avg. (Mode1) 5 0 5 0 5
Avg. (Median) 5 8 8 5 13
Max 7 13 13 7 19

1 — When the distribution is multi-modal (having more than one most frequent value), only the first is listed.

1926 BCRU Combined Score Distribution

1926 BCRU Margin of Victory Distribution

1926 BCRU Scoring Comparison

1926None +/- 5 year avg. +/-10 year avg. +/-20 year avg. +/-All-time avg. +/-
Average Combined Score 12.60 +12.60 +12.60 +12.60 +12.60 +12.60
Average Winning Score 9.00 +9.00 +9.00 +9.00 +9.00 +9.00
Average Losing Score 3.60 +3.60 +3.60 +3.60 +3.60 +3.60
Average Home Score 4.60 +4.60 +4.60 +4.60 +4.60 +4.60
Average Visitor Score 8.00 +8.00 +8.00 +8.00 +8.00 +8.00
Average Margin of Victory 5.40 +5.40 +5.40 +5.40 +5.40 +5.40