1928 TCRFU Scoring Summary

Home ScoreVisitor Score Winning ScoreLosing ScoreCombined Score
Min 2 0 5 0 7
Avg. (Mean) 12.25 6.08 15.75 2.58 18.33
Avg. (Mode1) 5 1 14 1 15
Avg. (Median) 9 3 14 2 17
Max 31 24 31 6 31

1 — When the distribution is multi-modal (having more than one most frequent value), only the first is listed.

1928 TCRFU Scoring by Quarter

Quarter Home (PPG) Visitor (PPG) Total (PPG)
Total 41 (13.7) 19 (6.3) 60 (20.0)
1st 5 (1.7) 5 (1.7) 10 (3.3)
2nd 5 (1.7) 11 (3.7) 16 (5.3)
3rd 11 (3.7) 3 (1.0) 14 (4.7)
4th 20 (6.7) 0 (0.0) 20 (6.7)

1928 TCRFU Combined Score Distribution

1928 TCRFU Margin of Victory Distribution

1928 TCRFU Scoring Comparison

1928None +/- 5 year avg. +/-10 year avg. +/-20 year avg. +/-All-time avg. +/-
Average Combined Score 18.33 +18.33 +18.33 +18.33 +18.33 +18.33
Average Winning Score 15.75 +15.75 +15.75 +15.75 +15.75 +15.75
Average Losing Score 2.58 +2.58 +2.58 +2.58 +2.58 +2.58
Average Home Score 12.25 +12.25 +12.25 +12.25 +12.25 +12.25
Average Visitor Score 6.08 +6.08 +6.08 +6.08 +6.08 +6.08
Average Margin of Victory 13.17 +13.17 +13.17 +13.17 +13.17 +13.17